Corian was polished, lettering & logo are
engraved. The lettering is filled with paint & the
logo is a combo of paint & gold leaf.

This sign is a mahogany frame with a
sandblasted & polished Corian insert.

Black acrylic desk sign with a brushed
aluminum face, OPEN/CLOSED slider.

This company logo was router cut from
brushed aluminum & applied to a large acrylic panel.

8' wide clear acrylic panel mounted with
aluminum standoffs to add depth to the sign.

30" high polished Corian plaque engraved
with the lyrics for a roof top deck off a condo. Very

Corian sign with an IN USE/VACANT slider.
We added a small button to make it easier to slide the

So many choices. |

Part of a sign system. Each sign in
the building has wayfinding information, ADA compliant
Braille & raised letters.

We call this style a rail plaque.
There is a backer panel which can be any color(we suggest
light colors), or even a light pattern, a beveled clear
front plate & a silver or gold rail at the top & bottom.
A laser transparency you make in your office contains the
text & can be changed or updated at any time.

A solid oak backer with a 1/4" thick
engraved, color filled & clear coated polished brass face.
Very elegant.

A whimsical twist on this interior sign.
The lower area is a slider to allow it to change from Vacant
to "Under Siege". Custom made to your order from a few
pieces to hundreds........no problem.

This sign was made for an advertising agency on the East
Coast. The house & lettering background is 1 layer of
HDU & the words "Smallhouse" is another layer applied to an
acrylic backer.

This corporate logo was water-jet cut from aluminum and was
given a satin brushed finish. Each piece was
individually stud mounted to the faux-finished wall.

The room number & Braille are permanent. The
employee's name is a laser printed paper that slides behind
a clear acrylic lens. It appears to be a permanent
name but you can update the name without any need to contact
us. We provide a computer template that your office
can use for the updates.

We can incorporate any type of sign into your sign package.
It really leaves a great impression when all the signs in
your office or building match.